Wednesday, February 7, 2018

People from a facebook group Emporium of Rogue  Dreams asked me to make a tutorial about reposing RTB-01 marines. Here it is!

Here are all the parts we need, stripped of paint in isopropanol.

I cleaned the flash and traces of glue with hobby knife.

I've drilled the barell and backback exhaust.

Next you need to cut the legs in joint places. Nothing too complicated, but be carefull with knees.

Then you need to drill holes in the middle of all parts. The hole in the hip goes through the entire hip.

The next step is to glue a rod into the greives section. I used 1mm rod, the holes should be the same size.

Next we put the hips on the rod with no glue for now. At this point you can bend the rod and give them any position you want.

I decided to make a pose when the marine will be stepping on something with left leg. Once you're done, apply a drop of superglue to the joints.
Dry-fit the crotch section, cut it, if it's needed, and glue it into place. The rod in the leg should be bent and cut to fit the crotch.

The legs are complete.

Now for the arms. Cut the right arm as shown above.
Drill the holes.
Glue the arm to the pauldron in new position, using the rod. Glue the torso.

The most convinient way to assemble the left arm is to cut it into sections and glue it, starting from the the hand. I slightly bent the fingers to hold the bolter more tight, and glued the hand to the bolter, and the bolter arm to the torso.
Next step is to glue the arm to the hand. Some cutting can be required. I cut the hand a bit for a better fit.
Then just glue the pauldron into place. Don't worry about the gap, we'll fix it later.

Next we glue the head and backpack. Nothigh fancy here.

Next you need to fill the gaps with greenstuff. Again, nothing too complex here, jusy takes some time to finish.

And the last thing, we glue the pouches on the belt. They also cover the gaps a bit, so you dont't need to be super neat with greenstuff.

That's it. Next time we're going to paint this guy, so stay tuned!